Training Ahli K3 – HSE Consultant – Konsultan ISO – NEBOSH Indonesia


Training Workforce Management

The successful development of a company’s workforce plays a key role in determining the survival, effectiveness and competitiveness of that company. Therefore, aligning your workforce and management strategies to realize organizational goals is vital!
This course focuses on the management of an organization’s workforce in order to achieve strategic business objectives. Workforce management strategies at the individual, team and organizational levels are considered.
Skills are developed in the assessment of workforce situations and development of programs to enhance workforce effectiveness. The role of Human Resource Management systems is also discussed.


  • The relationship between people-management activities and the achievement of organizational strategy.
  • People-management situations to develop appropriate action plans.
  • External and internal environmental factors that affect worker performance.
  • Individual factors (attitudes, motivation) in worker performance and demonstrate skill in developing activities to influence those factors.
  • Group process (teams, leadership, power) in worker performance.
  • Organizational change process.
  • The integration of people-management activities and other business functions.

Topics covered include values and attitudes, motivation, teams, leadership, organizational culture and structure, conflict management, organizational change, and Human Resource Management systems and practices. The underlying approach will emphasize strategic management, problem identification and solving, and change management.

Any individual who manages a team, business unit or organization as well as individuals seeking to enter or advance in the field of workforce management.


Desmon Ginting

Ir., Desmon Ginting M.Tech.

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Established in 2003, Phitagoras is the official PJK3 of the Ministry of Manpower with No. KEP. P. 052 / BINWASK3-PNK3 / XI / 2017 and has 5 international accreditation/certification: ISO 9001: 2015 (British Standard Institution), ISO 45001:2018 (Bureau Veritas), Accredited Learning Partner NEBOSH UK, Registered Centre CIEH UK and British Safety Council Approved Centre.

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