Training Ahli K3 – HSE Consultant – Konsultan ISO – NEBOSH Indonesia


Training Internal Quality Control Program in the Laboratory

Training Quality Control Laboratory

Training Quality Control Globalization drags all business sectors into a very tight competition, resulting in the improvement of  quality  of products and services. Only the ones that have a competent laboratory applying a good and systematic quality control process can survive against this competition. We are eager to share experiences by helping industries, organization, government institution, laboratory and other business sectors understand and implement activities in maintaining the competence & quality of their testing laboratory


After having been trained, all trainees are expected to be able to make sure that the data produced by the laboratory through a systematic process of quality control  are reliable and eliminate any possible mistakes and minimize every error in the process of analysis


  1. General Overview
  2. Initial Laboratory Capability Performance
  3. Quality Control in Sample Management
  4. Quality Control in Laboratory Testing
  5. QC Tools: Calibration and Verification, Intermediate Check and Statistical Quality Control Charts
  6. Reporting Technique
  7. DataQuality Assessment
  8. Relationship among Significant Figures Detection Limit and Measurement Uncertainty
  9. Evaluation and Development of Analytical Methods by Method Validation


  1. Quality Managers in Testing Laboratories
  2. Technical Managers in Testing Laboratories
  3. Heads/Supervisors/Technicians in Testing Laboratories
  4. All who involved in the development of laboratory quality management system

Duration Training Quality Control Laboratory

14 hours effectifely (2 days)

Jadwal Training


  1. Rp. 4.199.000,- Rp. 3.499.000,- 
  2. Rp. 2.999.000,- (Pendaftaran & pelunasan 1 minggu sebelum training)
  3. Gratis orang ke 5, untuk pendaftaran 4 orang dari satu perusahaan
  4. Fasilitas Training: Modul Training yang berkualitas (hardcopy dan softcopy), Training Kit, Souvenir, Tempat training yg nyaman di hotel berbintang, Makan Siang, coffee / tea break, Sertifikat, Foto bersama seluruh peserta

FAQ ( Frequently Asked Question)

Silahkan klik link ini atau link Frequently Ask Question untuk mengetahui pertanyaan – pertanyaan yang sering dilontarkan seputar Training yang kami selenggarakan.


• PT.Indonesia Asahan alumunium (Inalum)
• PT.Dystar colour Indonesia
•  PT.Jawamanis Rafinasi
• UI
• PT.Indah Kiat PULP & Paper
• Dep Kes
• Badan Lingkungan hidup Provinsi DIY
• PT. Semen Padang
• PT. Hyprowira Adhitama
• PT. Karenindo Citra Utama
• PT.Sucofindo Timika Site
• ConocoPhillips
• PT. YTL Jatim
• PT. Semen Gresik
• Puslitbang Ekologi & Status Kesehatan
• PT. Sriboga Raturaya
• Vico Indonesia
• Universitas Bangka Belitung
• PT. Dankos Farma
• PT. Clariant Indonesia


Berdiri sejak tahun 2003, Phitagoras merupakan PJK3 Resmi KEMNAKER dan memiliki lima sertifikasi internasional yaitu: ISO 9001:2015 dari BSI, ISO 45001:2018 dari Bureau Veritas, Approved Learning Partner NEBOSH UK, Approved Centre British Safety Council, serta Registered Centre CIEH (Chartered Institute of Environmental Health) UK.

Logo BSI ISO 9001

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