Training Ahli K3 – HSE Consultant – Konsultan ISO – NEBOSH Indonesia


Negotiation is the art and science of securing an agreement between 2 or more independent parties. Through understanding the behavior evidenced in competitive situations, participants will develop negotiation skills which will prove to be a valuable asset in every area of life.
Negotiation skills if used appropriately are a powerful tool in the arsenal of each successful manager. The time invested in mastering these skills has an ROI incomparable to any other form of investment.

The training goal is to practice negotiation skills, explain the methods and techniques that can be effectively used in the process of negotiation as well as to demonstrate how to deal with the obstacles and complicating factors.
This then will allow the participants to develop negotiation skills experientially and understand negotiation in useful analytical frameworks. Considerable emphasis will be placed on Verbal Behavior Analysis Negotiation Survey (VBANS), followed by group discussion, lecture and individual analysis.

Any person who is interested in developing their negotiation skills and this is a highly interactive class with active participation mandatory.


  1. VBANS.
  2. Introduction to Negotiation & Nature of Negotiation.
  3. Examine and improve our communication styles, focusing especially on non verbal and listening.
  4. Recognize negotiation styles – your own and others.
  5. Understand the behavior of individuals, groups and organizations in the context of competitive situations.
  6. Develop and practice negotiation skills leading to win/win solutions.
  7. Learn powerful influencing strategies and bargaining tactics.
  8. Integrate BATNA (Best Alternative to a Negotiated Agreement), resistance point, target and bargaining zone into all negotiation plans.
  9. Practice listening skills and become far more aware of both verbal and non-verbal messages. What are people REALLY saying?
  10. Learn how to maximize your position through building alliances, controlling environment, and doing your “homework”.


Desmon Ginting
Ir., Desmon Ginting M.Tech.
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