Training Ahli K3 – HSE Consultant – Konsultan ISO – NEBOSH Indonesia


Training NEBOSH Oil and Gas

Phitagoras bekerjasama dgn KBA Training Centre Singapore telah menyelenggarakan Training NEBOSH Oil and Gas angkatan II, yaitu training health and safety dengan sertifikasi internasional dari NEBOSH – UK. Training NEBOSH Oil and Gas tersebut di selenggarakan pada tanggal 2  – 6 Mei 2011 di Sheraton Hotel Bandung, Indonesia.

Materi Training NEBOSH Oil and Gas

Adapun materi yang disampaikan pada Training NEBOSH Oil and Gas ini adalah

ELEMENT 1: Health, Safety and environmental management in context

1. Learning from Incidents

2. Hazards inherent in oil and gas

3. Risk Management Techniques used in the oil and gas industries

4. Safety cases and safety reports

ELEMENT 2: Hydrocarbon process safety 1

1. Contractor management

2. Process Safety Management (PSM)

3. Role and Purpose of a permit-to-work system

4. Key principles of shift handover

5. Plant operations and maintenance

ELEMENT 3: Hydrocarbon process safety 2

1. Failure modes

2. Safety critical equipment controls

3. Safe storage of hydrocarbons

4. Furnace and boiler operations

ELEMENT 4: Fire protection and emergency response

1. Fire and explosion risk in the oil and gas industries

2. Emergency Response

ELEMENT 5: Logistics and Transport operations

1. Marine Transport

2. Land Transport

Note: The Training NEBOSH Oil and Gas Certificate consists of over 34 hours of tuition.

Peserta training nebosh oil and gas kali ini sangat beragam, yaitu Achmad Irwan Pramudia (PT. Macdow),  Noel Dowling (Private), Yuwono Ongkowijoyo (AKR Corporindo), Dr. Md. Rezaul Hossain (Geokinetics Inc) Agung Hermanto, Gahtan Nugroho, Welreta Widhi Wijaya (MEDCO E&P), Nur Ali Cahyo (Japex Buton Ltd), Muhammad Rizawahyu (PT. Indokomas Buana Perkasa), Zelio Moniz (ANP), Sudarman Lubis, SUBUR Darmanto (Total E&P Indonesia), Yusron Arhanis (Salamander Energy Ltd), Didik Naryadi (Kodeco Energy), Eka Marlina (PT. Champion Kurnia Djaja Technologies).

Terimakasih atas seluruh partisipasi peserta training NEBOSH Oil and Gas kali ini, semoga pada pengumuman kelulusan nanti, semua peserta Training NEBOSH Oil and Gas Batch II bisa lulus, amiin.

Untuk jadwal training NEBOSH Oil and Gas Certificate selanjutnya, silahkan cek jadwal berikut ini:

  1. February 21 – 25, 2011 at Bali Indonesia (Running on Schedule)
  2. May 2 – 6, 2011 at Bandung Indonesia (Running on Schedule)
  3. October 10 – 14, 2011 at Bali Indonesia (Running on Schedule)
  4. December 12 – 16 2011 at Bali Indonesia (Running on Schedule)
  5. February 13 – 17, 2012 at Bali – Indonesia (Running on schedule)
  6. April 9 – 13, 2012 at Lombok – Indonesia (Running on schedule)
  7. May 28 – June 1, 2012 at Bali – Indonesia. The exam result as follow:from 14 participants, we’ve got 93% pass with 3 Distinction and 2 credits, Congratulations)
  8. September 17 – 21, 2012 at Bali – Indonesia
  9. November 5 – 9, 2012 at Bali – Indonesia
  10. December 17 – 21, 2012 at Bali – Indonesia 

Untuk informasi lebih lanjut tentang training NEBOSH Oil and Gas Certificate, silahkan menghubungi Phitagoras di 021 70270400 atau 70303196 atau dengan mengisi form dibawah ini

Training NEBOSH Oil and Gas

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