Training Ahli K3 – HSE Consultant – Konsultan ISO – NEBOSH Indonesia


Firms are usually facing a talent exodus as world economies return to growth. Current research indicates that as labor markets revive companies should expect staff turnover to increase. Organizations need to start thinking now about how to secure the long term commitment of their workers. Failure to create the right environment will encourage disgruntled employees to take off in search of better conditions.
An underlying part of your talent management strategy must therefore include a focus on improving employee engagement and retention. Organizations face significant challenges as they try to succeed in an increasingly competitive economy while fighting the never-ending battle to retain highly skilled and experienced staff. Then there’s the burden that higher turnover places on leaders, who are expected to achieve their goals regardless of staffing issues.

How much of the responsibility for job-hopping and voluntary leave falls on employers’ shoulders? More than you might think! Most agree that loyalty takes a big hit each time an organization downsizes or reorganizes. But there is another factor that has a huge impact on retention: employee engagement.
People are more productive and less likely to look for that next job if they are engaged. If they enjoy and believe in what they do, and feel valued for doing it. Leaders at all levels play a crucial role in determining the level of employee engagement.

The problem of employee disengagement is a source of ongoing frustration for leaders of any organization. Not only does it irritate the management team, it demoralizes the productive employees who carry the majority of the workload. And although employee disengagement exists, what is really being done to overcome it?

This training is designed to help you better understand what employee engagement & retention is all about and how it can help an organization.


  • Understanding Employee Engagement & Retention
  • Getting Started to Engage Employees
  • Leading Employee Engagement
  • Measuring Employee Engagement
  • Creating an Engaged Workplace
  • Employee Engagement Communications

Any individual who concerns with the problem of employee disengagement!


Desmon Ginting
Ir., Desmon Ginting M.Tech.
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