Training Ahli K3 – HSE Consultant – Konsultan ISO – NEBOSH Indonesia


This course imparts the strategic contribution of purchasing & supply, purchasing & the supply chain, planning, procurement, purchasing skills, negotiation skills, buying techniques, business ethics and more. The course is designed and delivered in a way that even newcomers get a thorough grasp of the subject.

CPP Certification is created to enhance awareness and to promote recognition and acceptance of professional status for certified people who want to be recognised in professional purchasing operations among other areas of business and organizational management.

The certification is to develop performance standards and operational guidelines that can improve the efficiency and effectiveness of purchasing profession.

It also gives the amateur purchaser to increase the degree to which the individual gains personal confidence, satisfaction, and pride from direct involvement in purchasing operations.

Key Objective

  • To promote recognition and acceptance of professional status for certified people involved in purchasing operations among other areas of business management.
  • To develop performance standards and operational guidelines which can improve the efficiency and effectiveness of purchasing.
  • To develop and live by a code of ethical standards for purchasing operations under which modern business practices might be more clearly understood and favorably accepted by the public in general.
  • To increase the degree to which the individual gains personal confidence, satisfaction, and pride from direct involvement in purchasing operations.

Certification Content
Module 1 – Purchasing Management
Module 2 – Contract Management
Module 3 – Centralisation and Decentralisation of Purchasing
Module 4 – Supplier Selection / Quality Management
Module 5 – Supplier Relationship Management
Module 6 – Strategic Negotiation
Module 7 – Purchasing and Logistics
Module 8 – Purchasing and SCM
Module 9 – Strategic Sourcing
Module 10 – Globlisation / Technology in Purchasing

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