Training Ahli K3 – HSE Consultant – Konsultan ISO – NEBOSH Indonesia


Training CIEH Risk Assessment Principles and PracticePhitagoras Training is pleased to introduce Training CIEH Risk Assessment Level 3 Award

This qualification provides a thorough understanding of the main categories of accidents and ill health, their socio-economic costs and the benefits of good health and safety management.

Training CIEH Risk Assessment Level 3 Award Content

  • General Introduction
    To understand the main categories of accidents and ill health, the socio-economic costs and rec-ognises the benefits of good Health management
  • Principles of Risk Assessment
    To understand the reasons for using risk assessment and the principles involved.
  • Legislation
  • Risk Assessment in Practice
  • Summary
    To understand some of the wider management issues regarding implementation of risk assessment programme

Benefits for Companies in attending Training :

A properly implemented programme of risk assessments can assist in the prevention of injuries, fatalities, property damage incidents and other losses. This not only helps to prevent human loss and suffering, but also assists the effective management and finance of any business or organisation.

Health and Safety at Work Regulations requires employers to record the significant findings of the risk assessment.

Learning Outcome

  • Conduct risk assessments (with the necessary technical knowledge in relation to the activities/ environments/issues)
  • Organise and implement a risk assessment programme
  • Participate in the identification of specific training needs for the activities being assessed
  • Assist employers in meeting legal requirements and promote improved standards of health and safety within their organisation

Who Should Attend this training CIEH Level 3 Award Content ?

Designed for anyone with a responsibility to conduct risk assessments, such as:

  • Team leaders, supervisors, site managers and managers
  • Quality controllers
  • Health and safety specialists
  • Technicians / engineers
  • Personnel contributing to the risk assessment process


CIEH Level 2 Award in Principles of Risk Assessment or equivalent

Suggested progression:

CIEH Level 4 Award in Health & Safety in the Workplace

Investment for Training CIEH Level 3 Award :

 Please Call Us

The training CIEH Level 3 Award Fee Excludes: Hotel accomodation, can be arranged by PT. Phitagoras Global Duta if required

The Training CIEH Level 3 Award Schedule : Please Call Us

Phitagoras sudah disertifikasi ISO 9001:2008 oleh BUREAU VERITAS Certification, dengan no sertifikat: 234258


Phitagoras sudah disertifikasi OHSAS 18001:2007 oleh SAI GLOBAL Certification, dengan no sertifikat: HSM40409

Sertifikasi SAI Global Sertifikat Ohsas


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