Training Ahli K3 – HSE Consultant – Konsultan ISO – NEBOSH Indonesia



  • Do you have a PURPOSE to your organization?
  • Do you have PEOPLE in your organization?
  • Do you have PROCESSES that create some types of output or service in your organization?
  • Do you have PROBLEMS within your organization?

If you answer YES to all the above questions, you can then apply BPM’s Lean- Improvement based VSM.

VSM IS APPLICABLE TO ALL BUSINESSES & ORGANIZATIONS VSM is defined as the set of all the specific activities required to design, order, and provide a specific product, from concept to launch, order to delivery, and raw materials into the hands of the customer.

There are three types of activities in the Value Stream Mapping:

  • Value-Added: Those activities that unambiguously create value.
  • Type One Waste: Activities that create no value but seem to be unavoidable with current technologies or production assets.
  • Type Two Waste: Activities that create no value and are immediately avoidable.

Five principles of the BPM’s Lean-Improvement based VSM: Value, Value Stream, Flow, Pull and Perfection.


BPM’s Lean-Improvement based VSM is a comprehensive set of techniques that, when combined and matured, will allow companies to reduce and then eliminate the “TIMWOODS” Seven Wastes (Transportation, Inventory, Motion, Waiting, Overprocessing, Overproduction, Defects).

This system not only will make your companies Leaner, but subsequently more flexible, competitive and more responsive to the ever demanding customer expectations.


Desmon Ginting
Ir., Desmon Ginting M.Tech.
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