Training Ahli K3 – HSE Consultant – Konsultan ISO – NEBOSH Indonesia


Every working day, you are communicating with your employees, your peer level, your superiors and your customers. Mistakes, misunderstanding and misinterpretation often occur due to miscommunication!

Also, your workplace does not stand alone. It is an integral part of your organization. There is a dependency between one workplace to another workplace. This applies to your workplace too.

The need to be able to communicate clearly, influence and get your message across succinctly to colleagues, customers and stakeholders has therefore never been greater!

Let’s say you are an administration manager and need the help of the finance & accounting department. You must communicate with the supervisor (or his/her boss) of that department and try to get his or her help. As a matter of fact, you experience many times that it is hard to get it.

Even though you finally get the help, it sometimes does not match with what you expect. You even have to compromise with him or her. Not to mention, if your need is urgent, you have, like or dislike, to confront another work area to make sure that you are assisted on time.

This is all about business communication, either to convince other peer level, to get supports from your superiors, to confront with a fellow supervisor, to give a presentation to customers or to provide work instructions to your subordinates. You have to have a harmonious business relationship with all other workplaces, especially those directly related to
your workplace.
In short, there would be no end if we want to talk about business communication trinkets. There are so many things related to business communication.

However, what exactly is meant by communication? There could be 1001 cases, 1001 topics or 1001 tactics of communication. The question is now “is there a formula available that is strong, stable, and not vary (rigid) that we can follow and apply in our daily “business” communication? THE ANSWER IS … YES, THERE IS!

This course covers a range of communication and interpersonal skills that will enable you to communicate influence and persuade others and at the same time build strong relationships!


As a result of participating in this program, you will cover the following

  • Introduction
  • Knickknacks of Communication
  • What is Communication?
  • Workplaces & their External & Internal Communication.
  • Paradigms of Business Communication Strategy.
  • The Business Communication FORMULA.
  • Understand the true meaning and use of influence and persuasion.
  • Be able to quickly choose the correct state of mind and attitude you want to use for a given situation.
  • Four Types of Questions in Business Communication.
  • Listening to Win.
  • Have a greater understanding of ‘working styles observable behavior’ including how to adapt your style.
  • Be able to communicate and influence positively at meetings.
  • Know how to dealing effectively with conflict and negotiate successful outcomes.
  • The effective use of non-verbal behavior, verbal language and voice tone.
  • Developing positive conditioning that will enhance your performance.
  • Understanding the underlying causes of conflict and how to deal with them effectively.
  • Know how to recognize another’s position but to negotiate around their needs.

This course is suitable for work-based experienced people who want to excel at communicating their messages and ideas and to strengthen their position with colleagues, customers and other external agencies when attending meetings, negotiating and presenting.


Desmon Ginting
Ir., Desmon Ginting M.Tech.
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