Training Ahli K3 – HSE Consultant – Konsultan ISO – NEBOSH Indonesia


“Seperti biasa Phitagoras memilih tempat training yang baik dan nyaman bagi peserta, pengaturan juga baik dan jadwal tepat waktu” bagas Aditya Haryono

“The trainer very satisfied the participants while answering the question by providing the common practices as the example. The Facilities are comfortable! Special thanks to Mr. Asep thanks for your great support and assistance” Ni’mat Hikmatullah, PT. Saipem Indonesia

“Thanks to PT. Phitagoras for good organize this training and good place, overall this training doing good and well managed, good and expert trainer” Erwin Tampubolon, PT. Pertamina Hulu Energi West Madura Offshore (PHE WMO)

“This is great training, excellent training” Supriyo Widodo, PT. Chevron

“Good Training, i recommended this training to be followed” I Wayan Sanbudinatha, PT. Oci Kaltim Melamine

“Phitagoras provides quality and friendly staffs to assist participants in making this training nebosh an enjoyable and worthy experiences. Instructors are helpful and enthusiast to make sure all students understand module & can do the test well, first class in instruction and first class in services. Well done and congratulate phitagoras for another successful event” Suhanto Halim – BP

“Training NEBOSH IGC yang saya ikuti sangat baik dan modul yang ditawarkan Phitagoras sesuai dengan kebutuhan dalam industri yang saya geluti, saya sangat merekomendasikan training – training yang ditawarkan oleh Phitagoras” Hendri Sigalingging – Genting Oil Kasuri Pte.Ltd

“Good provision for the training, deadline is met, all materials to learn is given, good food, good place to study include the equipment for presentation etc. Absolutely I will promote this training to my colleagues. Thanks!”Rendra A – PT. Pertamina EP

“I am happy to follow this course, seriously! So many valuable experience that I have got through this course and applicable in my position” M. Ginanjar – Total E&P Indonesie

“Melissa Ashwell is by far the best course instructor i’ve ever attended. Two weeks of training and not single second lost her energy to train us. Great training, instructor and support, Thank You! ” Andrei Yusva – Chevron Indonesia

“The instructor has a very good knowledge of the subject. English is not our main language but he spoke very clear and treated us like a friend.” – Setyo Haryono – Transocean

“The Training NEBOSH instructor always encouraged everybody to get involved and always accommodated every question” Agus Udimoto – Tripatra Engineers & Constructors

“Very pleasant and a good environment” Rinaldi Saputra – CNOOC SES Ltd

“Clear, structural knowledge approach. The instructor was helpful, patient and attentive to the students needs” Asanti Astari – Santos Sampang Pty Ltd

“I liked the way the trainer delivered the presentation materials which were very professional” Constantino Aponso Pinto – ANP Timor Leste

Very good instructor, straight to the point and very interactive. He even provided after class time.” – TroyHutagalung – Geo Kinetics

“Very easy to relate to the instructor who is a good communicator. Very thorough preparation for the exams” Tristan Murray – New Zealand

“Good trainer with experience and detail explanation” Apriliana Kuswanti, PT. Terminal Petikemas Surabaya

“Good trainer, Interactive, Easy to understand” Mukhamad Jainuri, PT. Teknika Regulindo Asia

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