Training Ahli K3 – HSE Consultant – Konsultan ISO – NEBOSH Indonesia


We are pleased to congratulate Mr. Jhon Michael H.S (Chevron Pasific Indonesia) as our Best Student 2012 for NEBOSH International General Certificate in Occupational Health & Safety. Together with the award certificate, Mr. Jhon will be receiving a nice gift from Phitagoras.

Below is testimonial from Mr. Jhon about the Benefit of taking NEBOSH course and about services of Phitagoras:

Benefit of taking NEBOSH Course:

NEBOSH training has bring me to the next level of identifying and mitigating hazards from a theoretical baseline to a practical point of view. Examples, exercises, and “excruciating” hours of handwriting test have (belief it or not) imprinted the training materials into my head. And trust me, it’s very useful for my current roles as safety practitioner. Two thumbs up for both professional trainers (Nurul and Melissa) who have guide the trainee through the NEBOSH Training world for 2 weeks. Hard work in the training and the test have paid up well with new perspective for my job, my NEBOSH certificate and also a gift from the training organizer (Phitagoras).

Testimony about Phitagoras:

During the impression that I got from NEBOSH training, Phitagoras was very professional in managing their training sessions. At least 2 persons from Phitagoras available at training site for the whole 2 weeks to provide assistance to the trainer and also to all trainees. Venue arrangement, departing process (airport-hotel v.v.), table arrangement, food arrangement and others are superbly managed by Phitagoras reps onsite.

Thanks to Tasya for her clear information right from registration process, training sessions and right until I got my NEBOSH certificate and also for a nice tips on what to do near the training venue and car rentals arrangement that helps me a lot in filling my spare time on the weekend to unleash the fully loaded head during the training J.

Thanks a lot to Phitagoras for the kind gift. Hope that I can join another training held by Phitagoras in the future.

Thank You Mr. Jhon Michael, CU in the next opportunity..

Jhon Michael H. S.
Jhon Michael H. S. HES Engineer
PT Chevron Pacific Indonesia
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