Training Ahli K3 – HSE Consultant – Konsultan ISO – NEBOSH Indonesia


Training PPE – Personal Protective Equipment

The objective of the Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Program is to protect employees from the risk of injury by creating a barrier against workplace hazards. Personal protective equipment is not a substitute for good engineering or administrative controls or good work practices, but should be used in conjunction with these controls to ensure the safety and health of employees. Personal protective equipment will be provided, used, and maintained when it has been determined that its use is required and that such use will lessen the likelihood of occupational injury and/or illness. This program addresses eye, face, head, foot, and hand protection. Separate programs exist for respiratory and hearing protection since the need for participation in these programs is established through industrial hygiene monitoring.


This Training PPE – Personal Protective Equipment will help to understand:

  1. The appropriate Personal Protective Equipment for many workplace hazards
  2. The basics of selection, fit, care, and use
  3. The importance of regular inspection and maintenance of Personal Protective Equipment
  4. The limitations to Personal Protective Equipment as a hazard control method
  5. That there are legal requirements regarding Personal Protective Equipment.

1. Common Opinion Regarding Personal Protective Equipment

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) require employers to protect their employees from workplace hazards such as machines, work procedures, and hazardous substances that can cause injury. PPE program is the program sets out procedures for selecting, providing, and using PPE as part of your routine operation.
2. Hazard Control
Begin with a survey of your workplace. Observe the environment in which your employees work. After identify the potential hazards, determine if there are feasible engineering and work practice controls that could be used to avoid hazards. Once you have identified the tasks that require PPE, develop the specific checklist to help you choose the appropriate PPE for your employees
3. Personal Protective Equipment Program
An effective PPE program is an important part of an overall workplace hazard control program. An effective program is a product of a partnership between the employer and employees. Including in these programs are: conducting a hazard assessment for PPE, Document the hazard assessment for PPE, Select appropriate PPE for employees and provide PPE to them. And also necessary is to train the employees to use PPE, Retrain employees to use PPE, if necessary, documentation of PPE training, require the employees to use necessary PPE on the job and keeping PPE in safe and good condition.
4. Responsibilities of Workers, Supervisors and Employers
To ensure the program is running well, then role and responsibility of each part is very important.
5. Most Common Type of Personal Protective Equipment
Head protection – e.g. hard hats, Foot and leg protection – e.g. safety shoes, Eye / face protection – e.g. safety glasses, Hearing protection – e.g. ear plugs, muffs, Hand and arms protection – e.g. gloves, Respiratory protection, Body protection – e.g. High-visibility clothing, etc.

Courses are aimed at workers, managers, and supervisors working in an industrial setting, on construction or demolition sites, and in the forestry and mining industries, Health and safety committee members in these sectors, or workers who use specialized Personal Protective Equipment e.g. emergency responders (firefighters, hazmat teams) or workers dealing with biohazards.

DURATION : 14 hours effectif (2 days)

SCHEDULE : Please Call Us

INVESTMENT : Please Call Us


Berdiri sejak tahun 2003, Phitagoras merupakan PJK3 Resmi KEMNAKER dan memiliki lima sertifikasi internasional yaitu: ISO 9001:2015 dari BSI, ISO 45001:2018 dari Bureau Veritas, Approved Learning Partner NEBOSH UK, Approved Centre British Safety Council, serta Registered Centre CIEH (Chartered Institute of Environmental Health) UK.

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