Training Ahli K3 – HSE Consultant – Konsultan ISO – NEBOSH Indonesia

Inhouse Supply Chain Management - PT Sejahtera Tridaya Prima

Inhouse Supply Chain Management – PT Sejahtera Tridaya Prima

Alhamdulillah, Phitagoras Training and Consulting selalu konsisten dengan kembali mengadakan Inhouse Supply Chain Management – PT Sejahtera Tridaya Prima sesuai dengan Jadwal Training  yang telah kami informasikan sebelumnya pada tanggal 30 September – 01 Oktober 2022.

Training Supply Chain Management – An Introduction


  • Understanding supply chain
  • Partners in supply chain managment
  • Supply chain in today’s management

1. Supply Management

  • Competitiveness rules
  • Get your house in order first
  • What stakeholders want?
  • New purchasing business models
  • Supply management fundamental terms and ideas
  • Role of technology
  • Power of core competencies

2. Supply Management Rules

  • The process/product innovation imperative
  • How to simplify supply chain complexity
  • Supply process management
  • Supply management by exception

3. Importance of the Value Chain

  • Understanding customer requirements
  • Identifying value attributes in services and products
  • Communicating customer requirements to suppliers
  • Importance of managing the value chain

4. Importance of Supply Management Focus and Scope

  • Link to business strategies
  • Importance of focus and scope
  • Make or buy decision
  • Supply Management deployment steps
  • What are your core competencies

5. Supply Management Tools and Techniques

  • How to select the right process for you
  • Cycle time management
  • Just in time management
  • Lean management
  • Benchmarking management
  • Logistics management

6. Supply Development Process

  • Process capability and maturity
  • How to kick start the supply development process
  • Supplier lifecycle process
  • Selecting suppliers
  • Monitoring suppliers
  • Improving suppliers


Terimakasih kepada para peserta atas kepercayaannya telah memililh Phitagoras Training and Consulting, Dalam Acara Inhouse Supply Chain Management – PT Sejahtera Tridaya Prima Semoga pelatihan yang telah di jalankan mendapatkan hal yang baik dan dapat mengembangkan kinerja pekerja.

Butuh Bantuan? Klik Disini Inhouse Supply Chain Management – PT Sejahtera Tridaya Prima

Kami hadir untuk membantu Anda. Silahkan chat dengan salah satu Account Executive Kami

Account Executive

Fara - Head Office


Account Executive

Annisa - Head Office


Account Executive

Aulia - Head Office


Account Executive

Neha - Head Office


Account Executive

Khrisna - Head Office


Account Executive

Nina - Head Office


Account Executive

Shofi - Head Office


Account Executive

Laras - Head Office


Fara - Head OfficeInformasikan Kebutuhan Training Anda

Hello, ada yang bisa Kami bantu untuk Anda? 00.00

Annisa - Head OfficeChat kami untuk kebutuhan anda

Hallo, Ada yang bisa saya bantu? 00.00

Aulia - Head Office Chat kami untuk kebutuhan anda

Hallo, Ada yang bisa saya bantu? 00.00

Neha - Head OfficeInformasikan Kebutuhan Training Anda

Halo, Ada yang bisa saya bantu? 00.00

Khrisna - Head OfficePaparkan Kebutuhan Training Anda Sekarang Juga!

Hallo, Ada yang bisa saya bantu? 00.00

Nina - Head OfficeKomunikasikan Kebutuhan Anda Disini

Halo, Ada yang bisa saya bantu? 00.00

Shofi - Head OfficePaparkan Kebutuhan Training Anda Sekarang Juga!

Hello, ada yang bisa Kami bantu untuk Anda ? 00.00

Laras - Head OfficeKomunikasikan Kebutuhan Anda Disini

Halo, Ada yang bisa saya bantu? 00.00