Training Ahli K3 – HSE Consultant – Konsultan ISO – NEBOSH Indonesia


Certified Purchasing Professional

Training CPP Certified Purchasing Professional

Training CPP Certified Purchasing Professional – Life in purchasing world is faced with ever growing issues and a very dynamic landscape. With increasing prices and cost of everything around the world, Purchasing Professionals held a key role in keeping operational cost low and is the frontline of quality control. To be competent Purchasing Professionals, one must be able to ride over the complexity of the issues of purchasing landscape.

For professionals attaining CPP Certification from PASAS has demonstrated his learning capacity, industry Best Practice knowledge, experience, and set competency needed to excel in the purchasing environment by meeting PASAS’ standard that are accepted by various Local and Multi-National Companies and will add value to their company. CPP Certification and other Supply Chain Certification by PASAS Singapore are recognized by various multi-national corporations and endorsed by European Council of Leading Business Schools (ECLBS).

Certified Purchasing Professional Objectives

At the end of the Certified Purchasing Professional program, the participants will be able to :

  1. Understand Purchasing strategies and Best Practice processes
  2. Improve Purchasing Process effectiveness and efficiency
  3. Establish the proper Purchasing Ethical standard for Purchasing Operation
  4. Reduce Operational Cost

Who Should Attend Certified Purchasing Professional ?

This certification is aimed for Purchasing, Procurement, and/or Supply Chain Managers, Business Owners, Purchasing/Procurement Operators.


At the end of the program, the participants will be assessed with 2 hours of CPP Exam.

Program Modules

  • Module 1: Purchasing Management
  • Module 2: Contract Management / Strategic Negotiation
  • Module 3: Centralisation and Decentralisation of Purchasing
  • Module 4: Supplier Selection / Quality Management
  • Module 5: Supplier Relationship Management
  • Module 6: Purchasing and SCM
  • Module 7: Globalisation
  • Module 8: Technology in Purchasing
  • Module 9: Internet of Things (IOT)

Certified Purchasing Professional Investment

  • IDR 6.999.000,- (Full Payment 1 week before the course)
  • IDR 7.999.000,- (Normal Price)

Certified Purchasing Professional Fee Includes

Lunch, 2 x Coffee and snacks each day, Course Workbook & Training Kit

Certified Purchasing Professional Course Fee Excludes

Hotel accommodation

Certified Purchasing Professional Schedule


Berdiri sejak tahun 2003, Phitagoras merupakan PJK3 Resmi KEMNAKER dan memiliki lima sertifikasi internasional yaitu: ISO 9001:2015 dari BSI, ISO 45001:2018 dari Bureau Veritas, Approved Learning Partner NEBOSH UK, Approved Centre British Safety Council, serta Registered Centre CIEH (Chartered Institute of Environmental Health) UK.

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