Training Ahli K3 – HSE Consultant – Konsultan ISO – NEBOSH Indonesia


PT. Phitagoras Global Duta, In cooperated with KBA Training Centre, Pte. Ltd, Singapore are pleased to introduce new course:


The CIEH Level 3 Award in Fire Safety Risk Assessment and Control helps candidates consolidate and develop their existing knowledge of workplace fire safety. Candidates gain a thorough understanding of the formal fire risk assessment process for non-complex, low or normal risk premises that do not contain high risk associated with the work or building features.


This qualification has been developed either
1. To support ‘responsible persons’ (usually employers or land-lords) who wish to undertake their own fire risk assessment
2. Enable ‘responsible persons’ to appoint an appropriate person to undertake the fire risk assessment on their behalf.


  1. Conduct a fire safety checklist in their work area
  2. Conduct a fire risk assessment in a low or normal risk premises (assuming candidates have the necessary technical knowledge in relation to fire safety and the activities/environments/issues being assessed)
  3. Organise and implement a fire risk assessment programme or contribute to an existing programme
  4. Participate in the identification of specific fire safety training needs through fire risk assessment
  5. Assist employers in meeting legal requirements and promote improved standards of fire safety in their workplace
  6. Self-evaluate their knowledge and skills, and to seek help where necessary.


  1. The importance of fire safety in the workplace
  2. Principles of fire risk assessment
  3. Fire risk assessment in practice: fire risks and controls
  4. Fire risk assessment in practice: Assessing fire risk control measures
  5. Fire risk assessment in practice: Application of findings
  6. Undertaking a fire risk assessment

Duration: Three-day training programme (18 hours) plus six guided learning hours for further research and trainer support before commencing the assessment activity.

Assessment: Draft fire risk assessment based on candidates’ own work environment

Internationally Accredited Yes

Prerequisite CIEH Level 2 Award in Fire Safety Principles (or equivalent) or experience

Suggested progression: NEBOSH Fire Certificate

Investment : Special Price at USD 1050/ person

The CIEH Fire Level 3 will be held on 2014:

CIEH Certification

Phitagoras sudah disertifikasi ISO 9001:2008 oleh BUREAU VERITAS Certification, dengan no sertifikat: 234258


Phitagoras sudah disertifikasi OHSAS 18001:2007 oleh SAI GLOBAL Certification, dengan no sertifikat: HSM40409

Sertifikasi SAI Global Sertifikat Ohsas

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Why Choose Phitagoras?

Established in 2003, Phitagoras is the official PJK3 of the Ministry of Manpower with No. KEP. P. 052 / BINWASK3-PNK3 / XI / 2017 and has 5 international accreditation/certification: ISO 9001: 2015 (British Standard Institution), ISO 45001:2018 (Bureau Veritas), Accredited Learning Partner NEBOSH UK, Registered Centre CIEH UK and British Safety Council Approved Centre.

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