Training Ahli K3 – HSE Consultant – Konsultan ISO – NEBOSH Indonesia


Training Process Safety Management
Training Process Safety Management – Online

Alhamdulillah, Phitagoras Training and Consulting selalu konsisten dengan kembali mengadakan Training Process Safety Management secara Online sesuai dengan Jadwal Training  yang telah kami informasikan sebelumnya pada tanggal 02 – 04 Juni 2021.

What You Will Learn on this Training Process Safety Management :

  • To interpret the performance-based requirements of the U.S. OSHA PSM and EPA risk management standards, as well as learn about related industry standards
  • The elements of process safety that are missing from typical PSM systems, including Human Factors elements (communication, human system interface, work environment, staffing, and fitness for duty), Facility Siting element, Project Risk Management, Senior Leadership & Accountability. The Risk-Based Process Safety (RBPS) guide (2007) from CCPS/AIChE is reviewed so you can understand how to close critical gaps
  • Multiple options for implementing an effective need-specific program
  • Specific guidelines for developing cost effective written programs tailored for each PSM element, whether for a single facility or a corporation
  • How to avoid costly implementation mistakes
  • Jargon for communicating PSM requirements to others throughout the organization
  • How to develop written programs to meet PSM requirements
  • How to incorporate and integrate the PSM element requirements into other corporate programs (other corporate management systems)
  • Key performance indicators
  • How to evaluate program compliance throughout implementation
  • How to begin implementation at your company
  • Additional training necessary for implementation of specific elements
  • The course uses actual and generic case studies, including several video-based case studies
  • To illustrate interpretations of PSM requirements
  • To demonstrate developing an effective PSM program that can be adapted for your facility

Terimakasih kepada para peserta  atas kepercayaannya telah memililh Phitagoras Training and Consulting dalam kegiatan Training Process Safety Management.  Semoga sukses dan sampai jumpa dipelatihan berikutnya.

Training Process Safety Management

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